Whoa, Andrew and Aaron are back with Kohta. The twisties to the summit kick ass, there are plenty of 180 degree tite, real-tite, turns and plenty of variations in road conditions to keep you on the heel-toe. While Aaron and Shaun kicked back behind with the plush ride equipped with beat, Kohta (with Andrew sitting shotgun) and I battled it out on the tarmac. I hammered my car into a quick S-turn and then into a 180 degree and got the rear locked up with the wheel in the air. Pulled out in 2nd hard - beautiful. Those Yokohama Parada's were sticky and relentless. The 11-mile drive is a rewarding one comparable to the Stinson Beach scenic route. Both drives have epic ending destinations - ones a beach and ones a summit point where you can see the horizon 360 degrees.